samedi 23 janvier 2021

Dating web sites. What dates you will most likely find out ?

What are the naughty ladies that a men will most likely get in touch when he subscribed to a naughty (or not) dating web site ? What are the unexpected events that will happend ? I just tried different dating web sites, including Parship, Casual Lounge, Xflirt and Becoquin.

First of all, the 100 first naughty ladies you will get in touch... are nothing more than scam with the face of a very seducting young woman.

You will also most likely learn about a money guzzler machine that strongly advertise being free of charge to subscribe while on a regular basis will fish you with enticing and unexpected advertisement. A machine that is sometimes complex, or event impossible to unsubscribe and leave out.

If you look for reviews on the web, you will hardly build your own opinion, because the different point of view are very constrasted. On one side you will find very positive reviews that look like undeclared advertisement. On the other side you will find very negative reviews from (former) upset users.

Let's go to the details.

Fake accounts and canvassing

When you just subscribe to a dating web site, be ready to be flooded with a bunch of messages from fake accounts currently canvassing. Actually - like in online game - you enter a virtual community, and no one from the community already know about you. Who is real ? who is fake ?

Analysis 1: The real subscribed users do not live on front of the screen. They connect every 1 to 3 days. While fake account are actually robots that every 5 minutes scan for newly subscribed people to send them some proposal. The outcome is that the first hours after you have subscribed, you will be showered by messages, while no one actually originated from a lady that is really seeking for a potential lover.

And looking on the attractive photo on the profile of your new contact, you will be motivated to immediately replay. Beware !

Analysis 2: If the profile contains mostly very attractive photos of a pretty lady in underwear or naked that have been taken by 3rd party. Then is most likely the outcome of a female model or porn actress that have been shot by a professional photographer. On the other side, if the lady is in wearing casual or sport clothes and the photo have some flaws (not centered, overexposed) then is most likely not from a professional. Some female members publish photo of themselve partially or fully naked, but they are quick - and flawed - selfies shots on front of the mirror, or memento of their last vacation on the beach.

Analysis 3: If the message you receive aim to suggest you some immediate activity, looking like if the lady is a swiss knife and all you have to do is to choose the blade, then is most likely canvassing. The same if you receive a message to press you to work around the dating site. On the other side if the lady first ask you a few question, for example about your current and expected environment and love life, then is probably a potential lover. Members may also get in touch in order to initiate a sexy talk on the site chat (see below). In any case, the language, the location, the syntax of the message should also get you thinking.

Meeting someone that live close to you is more easy indeed. If, like me, you live in a french speaking area, and you receive messages written in english or german, and it appear the sender is located hundreds or even thousands kilometer from you location you may doubt that she is really interrested to meet you at a coffee shop. The same if the message was sent at 3:00 AM, and if the syntax is so bad that it will not pass an exam at primary school.

One week after i subscribed to Xflirt, i have received a large set of messages, while no one originated from close to my location (Geneva). Most common location was Paris (600 km), and the message are sometimes duplicated or not aligned with the reality. For example i received a message complaining that my profile is almost empty (sic) while i have filled all the fields.

On Casual Lounge i receive on a regular basis some messages originating from Zurich (250 km), that are written in german or english. On Parship this is unlikely because fake account canvassing are uncommon and short live - ofter removed in less that 24 hours.

Inactive accounts

Some communication is needed in order to be able to meet someone. All dating sites provide some messaging tool - some even support video calls. But if you find the profile of a lady worth of interrest for you, and you send her a message, don't expect she will actually answer. Far from that.

On Parship , recently, i sent message to 50 ladies that i found worth of interrest, and get back one single response. In the meantime i noticed that some woman i tried to contact didn't use the site since many weeks. Or they are using the site on a regular basis, and have read my message, but decide to not respond. At the end, after being subscribed for two years at this site, i have meet 3 or 4 ladies in a coffee shop, and found that no one was attractive for me - but that's a different story.

On Casual Lounge i tried to liaise with 30 ladies worth of interrest and 6 of them replied the first week. The youngest lady who replied was 27 years old. On Parship the youngest i found was 38.

On Becoquin i receive 4 or 5 chat invitation per day. Even if i agreed to all invitations, i never got a sexy chat. I have contacted the technical support and they have reply that the members... may be in vacation at that point in time.

Sexy talk

A sexy talk is a chat conversation focusing to seduce and turn you on. It is a popular and fair use of a dating site. The discussion is informal and fun, typical conversation topics are beauty, sports or travels. Female members often add selfies of their breast to be used as topic in a sexy talk. If someone invite you to a sexy talk outside of the dating site while it can be done inside, then favor the latest, as some people pretend to start a sexy talk, but at the end will press you to help them with money - the conversation that initially seduced you will start to get you pity and compassion. On some dating sites, like Becoquin and Xflirt, the primary use of the site is sexy talk.

money guzzlers that pretend to be free of charge

Many dating sites highlight it's free of charge to subscribe. But once you have subscribed you will realize that if you don't spend some money it is not possible to date - what a shame for a dating web site ! It is like if a garage will highlight that you can free of charge sit on the driver place, but forgot to mention you have to pay in order to turn on the engine and drive.

In practice, if you don't spend money, you can put your profile, and then only watch the show. The site typically doesn't allow to reply to the messages you received, sometime you can even not read them and you can not open photos from the members. On some sites only women can subscribe free of charge. It is the case on Casual Lounge: only mens have to pay for a subscription that is labeled VIP, but actually is the bottom of the hierarchy :-). On Parship if you don't paid (being a men or a woman) you can simply not subscribe - crystal clear and not confusing.

Beware that it is a monthly subscription silently renewed after some time duration. And sometimes it is a long duration : on Parship is 6, 12 or 24 months. On Casual Lounge the duration is 1, 3 or 6 months, and the price is expensive - actually i subscribed only after i received a 50% discount offer. The Becoquin dating site offer a 3 days trial subscription, that is silently renewed as a monthly subscription. This site doesn't feature to unsubscribe - you have to call a phone number in France for this.

The cheapeast dating site i have subscribed is Cafecoquin, where the charge is 15 euros per month. On this site i have found a significant number of profiles located in my area (French speaking Switzerland) and send a message to 30 of them. I didn't receive any response yet, but i have received a significant number of canvassing messages in german and english that i have immediately banned.

Not only you have to pay in order to subscribe, but expect that on a regular basis you will receive some advertisement for other dating sites, cam girls or another commercial service from the sex market. Some naughty dating web sites have advertisement banners covered with attractive young naked ladies.

Subscribe, swipe, riffle through, and unsubscribe

Before to use a dating site you have to subscribe and answer a few questions. The purpose of this process is to create a fact sheet about you that will be available for the other members.  The first question you will have to answer is always - not surprising - if you are a man or a woman. The site will then strongly suggest to add a photo and will typically ask for your birthday, your location, your marital status ("married" is in most cases forbidden), and a lot more questions that differ for each site.

On affinity oriented dating sites, like Parship, the main purpose of the question is to understand your personality, education and life style. The site will for example ask if you have kids, if you expect to have kids in the future, if you smoke, and if you have pets. The Parship site will use the responses on a daily basis to suggest you some members that have similar personality and life style.

On a naughty dating site like Casual Lounge, the questions are more related to what you will agree to do in your incomming love life: are you OK to meet in a coffee shop ? are you OK for a romance ? are you OK for a long duration relationship ? are you OK to have sex ? are you OK for an extra-marital relationship ? are you OK for a threesome ?. Another topic is to know what is the appearance and age range you prefer: the weight, the body shape (slender, medium, plump), the hair and skin color. The site also provide photos where you can vote on what you will enjoy. Topics include mens, womens, couple activities, cocktails and ice cream.

The Casual Lounge site will then, every day suggest 4 members that have similar expectations and compatible appearance and votes. The site advertise that is can be used for extra-marital relationships, but looking on the profiles, the vast majority of woman members expect nothing more than a regular love story (no complain)

Looking on the low amount of response i received in the different dating sites i have subscribed, it seems a popular usage is simply to riffle through the different member profiles to unearth the rare gem. I sometimes have the feeling to be a candidate for an important position on front of some HR worker that riffle through a large set of papers.

Some sites like Becoquin provide a tool to riffle through - or swipe - between photos and send a feedback. You can swipe between some randomly chosen photos of the members, and press a button if you love them. The member will imediately be informed, and in case this member loved one of your photos, Becoquin will suggest a sexy talk. The 'like' or 'love' button on photos is available on all the dating sites i have tested so far.

While it is easy and fast to create your account, it is usually not enough to date and you will have to spend some money. Then when you unsubscrire you will have to cancel the renewal to prevent more charges on your credit card. Then it will be safe to delete your profile.

On Parship dating site both mens and womans have to pay prior to subscribe to the site. The aim of this rule is to prevent to subscribe for canvassing. On Casual Lounge only mens have to pay. The aim of this rule is to get a balance of 50% mens and 50% womens. Inactive accounts will be deleted from Casual Lounge after one month.

On Xflirt site, as long as you didn't subscribe, each and every action - "i love" button, replay to a message - will be rejected: the site will request your credit card number, mentioning that it's to check you are adult. Some users have been charged 100 euros by doing this. For me this didn't worked and i hope nothing was charged.

On some sites - not worth to mention - you can't delete your account. This feature is simply not available on the site

Opinions on the web

If you search for opinions on the web you will hardly be able to have a clear view because the opinion are very contrasted even if about the same site. There is almost no article from any thrusted source like a review from a reporter of a general purpose newspaper or review from a professional psychologist or sex therapist.

There is a significant number of reviews that are comparaison and hall of fame of different dating site. The naming of the site suggest the only purpose of the site is to inform about dating sites and it looks like a showcase that highlight the benefits of a dating site.

The articles published on such sites are very positive, but they do not contains any return of experience of someone whoo have used the site to actually date. Is like an advertisement for a car made by someone who didn't even go for a test drive to the next city.

On the other side there are review boards filled up with review from users that have actually used the sites and most of them are very negative or even upset. The common described reasons are fake accounts, money guzzler, canvassing, and complexity to unsubscribe.

The site and the (real) members
NameServiceYoungestMembers activeSuggestedPrice
ParshipVery good38 yearsLow activityYour personality60
Casual LoungeGood26 yearsActiveWhat you will enjoy120
BeCoquinPoor18 yearsNo activityLoved photos40
CafeCoquinMedium25 yearsLimited activity?15

Money guzzler ?
ParshipNoNoNoNoNo (email)60
Casual LoungeYesYesNoUnfrequentYes120
BeCoquinYesYesYes50% (selfies !)No (Phone call)40
CafeCoquinYesYesYes66% of picturesYes15

Column description
Servicehigh number of expected functionalities and low number of unexpected functionalites like advertisement
YoungestThe youngest lady from my area who subscribed to the site. Excluding unthrustable and likely fake accounts
Members activeRelative number of replays i received to complimenting and question messages i have sent
SuggestedHow the site will suggest you a dating
CanvassingI have received canvassing messages and service offers
PopupsExtra windows will open when you use the site
BannersThe site contains advertisement banners showing up undressed ladies
UndressedThe number of member photos in underwear or naked. Excluding photos in swimwear on the beach
UnsubscribeYour can use the site to unsubscribe and remove your profile
PriceMonthly cost of the subscription (for a men in Switzerland)

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